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MS Blog

  • El día más triste del año, ¿en verdad existe?

    The saddest day of the year, does it really exist?

    Do you feel sadder? Perhaps it is because this Monday, January 17, is the saddest day of 2022, also known as Blue Monday. The Blue Monday's origin dates back nearly two decades. According to popular culture, this day is chosen...

  • Peligro en los cafés descafeinados

    Danger in decaffeinated coffees

    The Clean Label Project investigated coffee decaffeination processes and the potential harm of methylene chloride. Clean Label Project is an organization tasked with raising awareness about the presence of potentially dangerous contaminants and toxins in everyday consumer products. This organization...

  • Carbohidratos, ¿qué, para qué y porqué?

    Carbohydrates, what, why and why?

    Along with fats and proteins, carbohydrates are one of the three macronutrients in our diet and their main function is to provide the body with energy. They appear in many different forms, such as sugars and dietary fiber, and in...

  • ¡No te enganches! Pelear te hace engordar.

    Don't get hooked! Fighting makes you fat.

    Social networks have not brought out the worst in us, they have only exposed it to the world and we know that it is often difficult to contain ourselves or discuss our point of view with friends or strangers on...

  • Alimente su intestino: curry de cúrcuma y coco con panes planos sin semillas

    Feed Your Gut: Coconut Turmeric Curry with Seedless Flatbreads

    INGREDIENTS (2 servings) Flat breads: - Natural yogurt or soy yogurt Wholemeal flour - Mixed seeds Curry: - 1 can of light coconut milk - 1 tablespoon yellow curry paste - 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric - 1 red bell pepper...

  • ¿El gordo es gordo porque quiere?

    Is the fat man fat because he wants to?

    Organic causes of weight gain and obesity The most damaging misconception about obesity is that overweight people are solely responsible for their extra pounds. They are often presumed to be self-indulgent and weak-willed, which explains the lack of support and...