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MS Blog

  • Teflón, ¿culpable del aumento de colesterol?

    Teflon, guilty of the increase in cholesterol?

    Many, many times we have been bombarded with the premise that: you must be healthier, you must eat less fat , cook with less oil, etc., so that you are healthy. But when we go to clinical studies we see...

  • ¿Cuantas calorías quemas mientras duermes?

    How many calories do you burn while you sleep?

    When you think about how burn calories , sleep is not the first thing that comes to mind. But you should know that rest is essential, not only to regenerate our brain health, but also for it to consume its 20%...

  • ¿Qué es el moon milk?

    What is moon milk?

    Moon milk is a delicious and relaxing drink that has its roots in Ayurvedic traditions. Ayurveda is a Sanskrit word that translates as "knowledge of life". It is an ancient Vedic holistic health science with an emphasis on the mind-body...

  • Adapto... ¿qué? ¿qué son los Adaptógenos?

    I adapt... what? what are adaptogens?

    Surely you had already consumed them but you did NOT know that they belonged to the group called adaptogens, but what are they? Adaptogens are herbs that possess specific qualities that help your body. It's common to confuse them with...

  • La relación entre la obesidad y estados depresivos

    The relationship between obesity and depressive states

    Results from epidemiological studies, clinical trials and meta-analyses support the association between depressive states and obesity, since both occur together in all races of populations evaluated. The impact of MDD ( major depressive disorder) on obesity status One of the...

  • ¿Emociones que engordan o adelgazan?

    Emotions that make you fat or lose weight?

    Are you aware that you mood influences what you eat ? And, of course, depending on the food you eat body wins or lose weight To the caloric content provided by each product, the emotions They also add an extra burden to the body, since each...