By EM Nutrición


What is the binge?

Binge eating disorder is characterized by Recurrent binge eating episodes .

In each episode, the individual eats a much larger quantity of food than the majority of the population would eat in the same time and then he experiences a feeling of guilt . It does not respond to a feeling of hunger, but to situations of anxiety, discomfort and emotional instability. In addition, it occurs in solitude and, mainly, in the afternoon-night.

Another relevant aspect is that, unlike those who suffer bulimia , those affected by binge eating disorder do nothing to compensate for this excess intake ( neither induce vomiting, nor purging, nor intense exercise ). For this reason, as pointed out by Fernando Fernández-Aranda, head of the Eating Disorders Unit of the University Hospital "usually leads to weight gain that ultimately leads to a obesity important ”.


As in other eating disorders, the causes of binge eating disorder are multifactorial.

Alterations have been described neurobiological related to increased vulnerability. Therefore, it can be stated that "there is a biology that can determine this disorder" , there seems to be a familiar pattern that would suggest the influence of genetic factors.

But there are other possible causes and it is not always possible to determine which is more important. It is worth noting the psychological , such as lack of self-esteem, anxiety, difficulties in interpersonal relationships , problems coping with stress...

Also, in many cases we can talk about family causes. Here stand out the abuses suffered in childhood , but also the conflicts maintained in the family.


A binge eating episode is characterized by the following elements:

  • Ingestion in a determined period of a clearly higher amount of food than most people would eat over a similar period under similar circumstances.
  • Feeling of lack of control about what is ingested during the episode.

Binge eating episodes are associated with three (or more) of the following:

  • Eat a lot more quickly than normal .
  • eat up feel unpleasantly full .
  • eating large amounts of food when you don't feel hungry .
  • Eating alone, due to embarrassment that is felt by the amount that is ingested.
  • Then feel disgusted with oneself, depressed or very ashamed.

In addition, those with the disorder experience a intense discomfort regarding binge eating.

Finally, a defining factor of this disorder is that is not associated with the recurrent presence of compensatory behavior (vomiting, purgatives, etc.).


The prevention of binge eating disorder should be based on the following aspects:

  • Warning of unhealthy diets and behaviors for weight control. Make it clear that to lose weight you do not have to stop eating.
  • promote a positive body image .
  • Avoid abuse associated with weight in the school environment.
  • Encourage the Emotional education since childhood.
  • Instill in children the importance of healthy eating .


“People with this disorder should be treated by a multidisciplinary team specialized in eating disorders, which includes psychologists, psychiatrists, nutritionists and doctors ”.

The treatment has two main aspects: psychological and pharmacological.

Regarding pharmacological therapy, fundamentally antidepressants of the family of antidepressants are used. serotonin reuptake inhibitors and mood stabilizers , which control impulsivity.

MS Recommendation

Although binge eating disorders are closely related to stress, family or work environment, there are small changes you can make in your routine to avoid binge eating, our recommendation: Iced Coffee and/or Esbeldy, which can be consumed when you feel that you are about to fall into a binge process, they will naturally help the body feel full and calm when ingesting them.