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By EM Nutrición

This is how PCOS affects fat loss

Beware this syndrome could be the culprit of your body fat. We give you some tips to keep you at bay. Watch what you eat!

The polycystic ovary syndrome is a hormonal disorder that is characterized by causing cysts in the ovaries, generating resistance to insulin and raise the level of male hormones, for example, testosterone in the woman who suffers from it.

The truth is that this imbalance negatively affects the body, not only because of the pains that those who suffer from it usually suffer, but because it complicates weight loss.

One of the most common symptoms to know if you have polycystic ovaries it is irregularity in your period, easy weight gain and excess body hair. But be careful, it's not the same as you have ovarian cysts that you have polycystic ovary syndrome. But don't worry, today there are many alternatives to treat polycystic ovary syndrome.

Why does this disease cause Let's increase body fat , especially in the abdomen?

One of the main reasons is that there is a lot of insulin resistance , and more insulin than normal is secreted. When you eat carbohydrate foods, these are converted into glucose and insulin is responsible for bringing glucose to the cells so that they transform it into energy. When you have insulin resistance, the cell resists letting insulin in. This hormone in turn makes it very easy to accumulate fat and complicates the process of losing it. This constant high level of insulin sends a message to the ovaries and they secrete more male hormones.

On the other hand, a high level of cortisol . When this hormone is elevated it causes accumulation of fat in the abdomen.

All this is a vicious cycle that increases body fat and the more body fat you have the easier it is to gain weight.

do What to do ? Food is essential to treat this syndrome. What you eat directly affects your body. The ideal carbohydrates for women who suffer from this are: natural, whole carbohydrates, full of fiber that are slow to absorb, the slower it is digested, the better because the sugar in the blood is going to be deposited little by little.

The smaller the amount of glucose in the blood, the less insulin needs to be secreted. This better manages the condition of insulin resistance.